When: Saturday26th October 2013
Where: Salvation Army Citadel 4030 Douglas St., Victoria
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Victoria Grandmothers did an excellent job of hosting the above gathering which was attended by 86 from Victoria and seven other Grandmothers groups,Merville,Glaciers Grannies(11 of us)Oceanside,Nanaimo,Cowichan Valley ,Port Alberni and Saltspring Island.
The initial registration,coffee and muffins and shopping opportunity quickly became a warm getogether for reminiscing renewing friendship and making new friends and contacts.
After our welcome by Sally Gellard Regional Co Chair 6 workshops started which lasted just over an hour and all six had a reporter present their discussions and conclusions.These reports will be compiled and available in the future from our Regional representativesSally Gellard( Merville)and Paxie Vreede (Nanaimo)
The workshop subjects were
1.Getting the Word Out
2.Beds without Breakfast.
4.Growing Grandmothers Together
5.Group Vibrations
6.New Challenges .Sponsorship
After an excellent lunch prepared by Victoria Grandmothers,of African soup,bread rolls veggie plates, fruit and dessertsquares we resumed in the auditorium to have an uplifting and action filled singing session with Tina Filippino.
We then had an excellent and inspiring presentation from SLF field officer Ida Nambeya.This elegegant articulate compassionate vibrant woman herself fightingAIDS described her work in the field ,How projects are assessed for funding by SLF,the followup of the success or otherwise,accountability for finances and on going support for these different projects.She described,also her owo family's struggle and she is a shining example of what support for determined courageous women, can achieve.I think we all left this excellent day refreshed,with more ideas and knowledge and a warm feeling of sisterhood. Close
When: Saturday December 7th, 2013
Where: Timberline High School Gym, Campbell River
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As usual the angels were flying off their stand and we sold 49.
The roads were icy and the temperatures freezing but some brave souls made it to the Fair, but numbers were down.
We were very pleased to net $684 with Margot selling another $400 with her bookmarks and snap happies.
Images from the event:
When: Sunday November 3rd, 2013 at 1.30
Where: D'Esterre House, 1801 Beaufort Ave, Comox.
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Kazuri (Swahili for small and beautiful) jewelry is handmade in a fair trade factory in Kenya employing over 300 women in excellent working conditions.
The jewelry is brought to us by KJGC which imports and distributes it to Grandmother groups to raise funds for The Stephen Lewis Foundation. KJGC take care of all costs and duties and forward the proceeds to the Foundation.
Breakdown of total proceeds: 59% costs: 41% to SLF
This year we sent $2,204.40 to pay for the jewelry and $1469.60 to the SLF
Our crafts made $1000 and refreshments $370
Thanks to the 40 or more volunteers who helped to make this a success. Close
When: Saturday, September 14th, 2013 9am to 3.30pm>
Where: Black Creek Community Centre
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Black Creek Fall Fair was a fun day for the local community with lots of activities for all - a petting area with bunnies, chicks, geese and goats for the children, live music and lots of food. The main hall was full of fascinating items for the Silent Auction and we were asked if we would like to contribute something. We offered a wall hanging with a picture of an African woman.
Sales at the booths was slow but we conversed with people about the Stephen Lewis Foundation, some already familiar with its work and some not. As usual our AIDS Angels illicited many comments like,
"I have given Angels to so many of my friends"
and "Its so hard to choose which one to buy." Close
When: Sept 7th, 2013, Chan Centre, UBC, Vancouver
Where: UBC
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Glacier Grannies Barb Taylor, Ardith Chambers, Heather MacKenzie, Maybeth Hoagland and Lysbeth McCrone attended this amazing event.
Six grandmothers from different African nations spoke of their personal lives.Each one gave us a different perspective which allowed us in Canada a disturbing peek into African culture.
In general women and especially grandmothers are not recognized as fully fledged ciitizens even though they are voluntarily raising orphans after their adult children have died. They are often denied health care and grief counselling access... andmany do not receive pensions.
Sometimes in-laws try to repossess their home and land, making them and their orphans homeless. Sometimes a woman is pressured into marrying a brother in-law once her husband dies a pracice know as "being inherited". She has no say in this arrangement, as that society believes the children will also die if there is no male head of household.
The strength determination and passion of these women was reflected by the wonderful dresses and firm voices as they delivered their message.They saw the need for they themselves to lobby government for reforms and they appreciate the support of their Canadian sisters.
The four women judges spoke at the end of the day gave a modicum of hope as they outlined ways to correct these injustices.Each had a unique area of expertise,lawyer,social activist,union organizer etc.
If even one of the recommendations were implemented lives of countless grandmothers would improve.It was a heart wrenching day.
I'm sure all of us sitting in comfortable seats of the air conditioned Chan Centre felt the unfairness of the haves and have nots, but mopping tears off our faces does not help the African Grandmothers.
We can throw the collective weight of all Canadain Grandmother groups at African governments to lobby for equality of the sexes. Their governments need to bring women out of invisbilty and give them the respect and honour they deserve.
Images from the event:
Help relieve the suffering from HIV/AIDS today and donate to the Stephen Lewis Foundation.
Individually handcrafted by a group of Glacier Grannies, these beautiful Angels are a wonderful keepsake or gift.
Each Angel comes with a personalized name card which explains the work of the Grandmothers to Grandmothers campaign.