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Past Events
When: June 18-26 2010
Where: Muir Gallery, Courtenay, BC
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The Textile Art Tour was launched with an exhibition in Courtenay's bright, spacious Muir Gallery, which showed off the works to great advantage.
The exhibition started with a very well-attended reception on June 1, M.C.'d by Barb T., with an opening address by Merrilee C.
During the course of the show almost 700 people came to admire the art, talk to the guest artists (at least one was at the gallery every afternoon), leave comments in the guest book, donate money to the Foundation and purchase catalogues and cards.
Many people told us how moved they had been by the pieces.
The Muir Gallery who donated the space for our exhibition.
Gallery employees Dallas and Jen who were very helpful throughout, and ran the bar for our opening reception
A big thank you to Gillian F. and Maybeth H. for organizing the show. They, in turn, would like to thank:
Funds raised: $6,939
When: June 12th-13th, 2010
Where: Across Canada
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Grandmother groups across the country organized walks over the weekend, in support of the courageous and resilient grandmothers of Africa.
About 15 Glacier Grannies joined a walk in Campbell River. The weather was beautiful, and the Campbell River Grandmother to Grandmother Group organized a wonderful day.
Sue M., who attended, remembers sitting on the hilly lawn behind the Museum, which acted as a natural atrium, and listening to inspiring speeches, the stunning scenery on the waterfront walk, the camaraderie and relationship-building amongst the walkers and their many dogs, and the delicious snacks and drinks.
Ardith C. attended the walk in Vancouver. Members of twenty local groups met at Canada Place and walked, chanting an African peace slogan, to the Vancouver Art Gallery, where they were met by drummers and a choir.
After enjoying the rousing music, and swaying to the beat, the walkers listened to speeches from several Canadian grandmothers who had visited Africa and seen African grandmothers in action.
The walkers were left with a strong feeling of solidarity, both with each other and with their sister-grandmothers in Africa.
Funds Raised: More than $350,000 was raised Canada-wide Close
When: May 8, 2010
Where: Comox, BC
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Our second annual plant sale, held at Comox United Church, was a huge success. Congratulations to everyone involved.
Funds raised: $4,041!
We thank the following businesses who contributed material for the plant sale:
The Home Depot Canada, 388 Lerwick, Courtenay, BC
Thrifty Foods, 6th St. and England Ave., Courtenay, BC
Wal-Mart, Cliffe Ave. and Island Highway, Courtenay, BC
Art Knapp's Plantland, 2855 Wentworth, Courtenay, BC
In addition, many thanks to the organizers, Gillian, Lorraine and Wilma, who put in many hours of work on this project.
They, in turn, would like to thank all the Grannies and their friends who donated plants or who helped in planning or holding the event. Close
When: April 18, 2010
Where: Comox, BC
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The Island Voices Chamber Choir invited us to co-sponsor their concert, “Songs of the People.”
A full house at the Comox Pentecostal Church enjoyed a program of folk songs from around the world, sung a cappella, followed by a reception hosted by the Glacier Grannies.
A share of the proceeds was donated to the Stephen Lewis Foundation.
We extend our thanks to the Island Voices Chamber Choir, the Comox Pentecostal Church and to everyone who attended. Close
Help relieve the suffering from HIV and AIDS today and donate to the Stephen Lewis Foundation.
Individually handcrafted by a group of Glacier Grannies, these beautiful Angels are a wonderful keepsake or gift.
Each Angel comes with a personalized name card which explains the work of the Grandmothers to Grandmothers campaign.