The Grandmothers Campaign is an initiative of the Stephen Lewis Foundation

Textile Art

Past Events 2024 Page 1:   Page 1/1

 Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign 20th Anniversary Quilt  Photo 1

To celebrate 20 years of the Stephen Lewis Foundation, the Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign created a stunning commemorative quilt. The collaborative work of over 300 grandmothers in Canada and sub-Saharan Africa, it honours the continuing achievements of the grandmothers of Africa during the AIDS epidemic. The quilt has gone on tour across Canada and the Glacier Grannies were proud to host a showing in Courtenay.

It began with receiving our dates (May 15-18) and the graphics for the quilt card. Kelly Q. patiently worked with us as we wrote and rewrote the text on the back better to reflect the current situation vis a vis HIV/AIDS. Thanks to Virginia, Sandy, and Joanne C. for thoughts and edits.

In the meantime, the Courtenay Museum was secured for the show. The director and staff were more than happy to host it. They gave us the Courtenay room at the top of the stairs which was ample for everything, including the secondary quilt, “Nothing Left Behind”, made from the left-over pieces. Eric said yes to every request Kate R. made.

Virginia wrote a great article for the Comox Valley Record which they published, along with the quilt picture, a couple of weeks ahead of time. We felt that got the buzz going. Sandy created the fliers that Joanne C took to targeted places. The Mayors, Councils and Regional District Directors and MP’s all received invitations on the quilt card. We are not aware of any of them visiting; however, they were made aware, and that was the main point. Both the Museum and Comox Valley Arts advertised for us on their websites and/or newsletters. Terry P. of Courtenay Little Theatre did all our printing: cards, posters, and sandwich board. As usual he went the extra mile, this time in hand folding all three hundred cards.

Kate R. created an email group of grannies named “The Quilt Interpreters” who had all volunteered to sit with it in pairs for two-hour shifts. Seven Grannies from Merville joined us as well. The scavenger hunt was quite popular with kids as well as adults. There were 20 items on the list created by Linda McLaren of the Dartmouth Nova Scotia Grannies. It really helped to draw you in and appreciate even more all the work that went into creating the quilt. Everyone who completed the hunt was entered into a daily draw for “It’s Time for Tricks! Seven African Tales” written and donated by Deborah Duncan. The fabric picture “A Single Bracelet Does Not Jingle” was won in our “draw by donation” by Christine G. She was thrilled to have it.

In all we had 155 visitors. We sold quite a few quilt cards, seven “It’s time for Tricks” children’s books and received $135. in donations for a total of $595. Given that this was envisioned as an awareness event, not a fundraiser, we were surprised and pleased by the funds that were raised.

With many thanks to the Grannies who helped with advertising, set up and take down, and acting as interpreters: Joanne C., Gillian L., Sandy, Linda F., Linda M., Judy, Dianne, Iris, Pat W., Jane, Barb, Pat A., Virginia, Kelly, Claire, and Carol C.. From Merville: Sue, Ann, Marie, Monica, Frankie, Janet, Cheri and Valerie.

A special thank you to Kate R. who organized all the details of event from the pickup from Port Alberni to the hand over to Campbell River

A big thank you to the Courtenay Museum, particularly Eric, who said “yes” to every request. Also to Terry P. from Courtenay Little Theatre

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Nothing Left Behind Quilt
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"Christine C. was thrilled to win our fabric art Draw by Donation"

Boxed Picnic Lunches for Sailors

Where: Sandy Island

When: A May Saturday in 2023 and 2024

Each year, members of the Comox Valley Yacht Club sail to Sandy Island to clean up the beaches. For two consecutive years, the Grannies have been asked to provide box lunches for the day. In 2023, Lisa M., Carol K. and Jane S. prepared 36 lunches, including sandwiches, vegetables, fruit, baked goods and juice, all packed into coolers. This year, Lisa M. prepared a similar meal for 34 sailors.

After expenses, a total of $576.96 was raised for the Foundation

 Spring Sale  

Where: Parking Lot of Comox United Church

When: Saturday, May 11 from 8 – 12

We could not have asked for better weather conditions to sell items outdoors from our cars and tables. As expected, customers were eager to purchase before we were even set up for an 8:00 start. Sales were fast and furious and we were comfortably able to pack things up at noon.

We had the pleasure of having “Swing Valley Two” provide backup music for the latter part of this event, and the prevailing mood was very pleasant and peaceful. Generally, people were quite generous by purchasing mostly “by donation”.

All remaining items were donated to local thrift shops, and remaining plants were donated to the CVTS “Lodge” for their new gardens. All in all, this was a very successful venture, which raised $4,455 for the Foundation.

This success was due to the combined effort of over 20 Grannies and “Grand Others” (Jerry, Don, Rhett, Real, Howard and Gregor).

  • Carol K. prepared many, many seedling for sale
  • Virginia, Pat P., Joanne C., Kate, Jerry and Dianne handled advertising, including posters and road signage
  • Carol C. and Sandy sold our own crafts
  • Iris and Kathy sold jewelry
  • Virginia sold pottery donated by the d’Esterre pottery group
  • Pat P., Marilyn, Joanne W., Lisa, Gillian F., Dianne, Linda F., Virginia, Diane, Linda M., Janet, Liz, and Pat A. contributed in a myriad of ways, including selling their own, and others’, used items from cars and tables, providing and selling indoor and outdoor plants, providing and selling baked goods, promoting the upcoming Quilt Show, acting as “floaters” and promoting two donated fabric art pieces with Draw by Donation tickets.

A big thank you to Lydia R for her organizing skills, Comox United Church for the use of their car park and tables and too, the potters from d’Esterre who contributed their beautiful work.

 Clothing Exchange  

Where: The home of Barb and James T

When: Monday, February 12

At a general meeting Barb T. shared an idea with the rest of the Grannies: a low-key clothing swap for members, which would give them a fun afternoon of laughter and a refreshed wardrobe, and also make a few dollars for the Foundation.

The rest of the group responded with enthusiasm, and donations began to pour in from Grannies and their friends. Barb and James’ house quickly resembled an oversized boutique. As the date of the swap approached, a team sorted, priced, and designated areas in the house for different types of clothing, as well as changing rooms. Grannies were asked to spread the word amongst their friends, as the house was filled with beautiful garments of all descriptions.

The sale exceeded everyone’s expectations. Grannies and their friends came to the house, which was soon filled with happy customers rifling through the racks of clothing and trying on their finds. In the evening, women and girls from the Ukrainian community were invited to come and chose items at no cost, and once again the house was filled with enthusiastic fashion-seekers.

One thing did not change from Barb’s original idea: despite the hard work, Grannies shared wonderful camaraderie and plenty of laughter. However, the “few dollars” turned into $1,432 for the Foundation.

After the last Ukrainians had left, the Grannies were still left with many pieces. Some were suitable for consignment stores, but others benefitted Care-a-Van and Too Good to be Threw.

A huge thank you to Barb and James, whose lives were turned upside-down for the duration, and the team of helpers: Carol K. Sandy H. Virginia P. and Linda M. Also an enormous thank you to all those who donated such excellent clothing.

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Click on image to enlarge

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Make a Donation

Help relieve the suffering from HIV and AIDS today and donate to the Stephen Lewis Foundation.

Aids angels dolls

AIDS Angels - $15

Individually hand-crafted by a group of Glacier Grannies, these beautiful Angels are a wonderful keepsake or gift. 

Each Angel comes with a personalized name card which explains the work of the Grandmothers to Grandmothers campaign.