Past Events
When: Friday-Sunday Sept 6-8th 2013
Where: Courtenay Anderton Park
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We came out to support the women doing this incredible cycling journey. It was great to see so many riders, and in particular our Glacier Granny riders:
Denman Island's Grandmothers group, GLADS, prepared an excellent lunch.
Thanks to everyone who participated!
CloseWhen: Saturday, June 15th, 2013 10:00am to 11:30am
Where: Riverside Park, Anderton Ave., Courtenay (across from Evergreen Seniors Centre)
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Glacier Grannies hosted this event for a second consecutive year to send money to African grannies who are raising their orphaned grandchildren. This year there were 31 registrants, donations reached $615 + $20 for scarves. Drumming and singing at Riverside Park got everyone in high spirits before setting off for 6 km or 3 km around Airpark Walkway.
Most walkers treated themselves after to the delicious Greek food at Evergreen Seniors provided by Merville Grand Mothers. Thank you, MGMs!
Touring Art show in Muir Gallery was on display 11 am - 5 pm, and it was busy in there! The first 2 days of the show realized $986 in donations and sales of AIDS - Angels, art books and cards.
PDF Download - Stride to Turn the Tide Walk Poster
Images from the event:
When: Thursday June 13th, 2013 to June 22nd, 2013
Where: Muir Gallery, 440 Anderson Avenue, Courtenay, BC
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The Glacier Grannies are proud to host the touring art show "Heroes of the Continent" .
This multi-media show illustrates the small triumphs and moments in the lives of African grandmothers & granddaughters which light the way to victory over the AIDS Pandemic in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Produced by the Royal City GoGos of New Westminister, BC, this exhibit was inspired in part by our own 2010-2011 Turning the Tide Textile Art Show. It also features works created by members of the Glacier Grannies.
June 14th - 22nd 11am to 5pm daily
Everyone is welcome and all donations will be forwarded to the Grandmothers' Campaign of the Stephen Lewis Foundation. This foundation funds grass-roots projects that alleviate the suffering from HIV and AIDS in Africa.
Thursday, June 13th 7pm-9pm Opening Reception
Be the first to see this wonderful art!
Saturday June 15th 10am - 11:30pm Stride Walk + Art Show
Everyone is invited to join us for a festive day of exercise, food and art. We combine our effors with other Grandmothers' groups across the Canada in a national walk: Stride to Turn the Tide of HIV and AIDS.
As walkers return, lunch will be served by the Merville Grand Mothers Group.
After the walk, you can visit the Art Show, which is on from 11am - 5pm.
Participation in the walk is by donation and all food and drink items will be individually priced for eat-in or take-out.
Wednesday June 19th 2-4pm Stories Told in Textiles
Join us at the Muir Gallery to hear Glacier Granny artists talk about their inspiration behind the art they have created.
Our heartfelt appreciation is extended to Mason Walker Real Estate and Daryl Robbins, CGA for providing assitance with the Stride Walk.
For more information contact:
Maybeth Hoagland 250-339-5597
PDF Download - Heroes of the Continent Poster
PDF Download - Stride to Turn the Tide Walk Poster
Images from the event:
When: Sunday March 17th 2013 1 - 4:30 pm
Where: d'Esterre House, 1801 Beaufort Avenue, Comox, B.C.
Description: Read more
Sunday March 17th was an afternoon of fun for both the serious Scrabble players and the just-for-fun players. 40 people of all ages came, most in creative St. Patrick-style costumes, a few simply wearing green.
The total amount made was $1229.25. Hall rental and printing expenses were $138.79; net profit was $1090.46. Registration cash= $520, kitchen= $195.55, crafts= $81, rovers= $7.70, cheques made out to SLF= $425
A cheque will be sent to Stephen Lewis Foundation to support African grandmothers programs.
PDF - Download the Poster for this event
Images from the event:
Help relieve the suffering from HIV and AIDS today and donate to the Stephen Lewis Foundation.
Individually handcrafted by a group of Glacier Grannies, these beautiful Angels are a wonderful keepsake or gift.
Each Angel comes with a personalized name card which explains the work of the Grandmothers to Grandmothers campaign.